Project Management

Conference Presentations

Software Metrics "State of the Practice"

In this session, Peter Kulik presents the results of KLCI's third industry survey on software metrics usage conducted in the fourth quarter of 2000. Based on feedback from practitioners, you will explore topics such as metrics usage and best practices, tips to enhance metrics programs, strategies to implement and improve a metrics program, and tools favored to support metrics capture and analysis.

Peter Kulik, KLCI, Inc.
Effort Tracking Made Easy

Tracking effort is often a difficult cultural change to implement. Projects working toward Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Level two behaviors struggle with effort tracking for many reasons, including tool restrictions, resistance, and complicated processes. Lynn Cole shares insight and techniques that she has both successfully implemented and seen implemented by others. Discover the simple steps that you can take to start capturing and using effort data about a project.

Lynn Cole, Spherion Technology Architects
Managing Concurrent Software Releases in Development and Test

There is an ever-growing need to provide complex software products to customers on a short development schedule. Additionally, the customers need to be able to count on release dates for planning purposes. Instead of investing in an entirely new tool set that solves the configuration management issues associated with supporting concurrent development and support, existing tools can be used. This paper focuses on how to adapt and in some cases enhance an existing set of well-known tools to enable Lucent to excel in the market place. To this end, this project chose to implement the Fixed Interval Feature Delivery (FIFD) model of software development.

David Shinberg, Lucent Technologies
A Disciplined Approach to High Velocity Software Development

When faced with the challenge of shortening delivery cycles, the old economy manufacturing companies utilized disciplined quality techniques to reduce scrap and rework and improve productivity. Software developers in the new economy face a similar challenge to accelerate development to meet critical time-to-market business goals brought about by the Internet. Unfortunately, many are abandoning disciplined methods in lieu of a risky "hack and test" approach with potential disastrous consequences for customers and developers. Learn of one company's transformation from ad hoc development to a disciplined and quantitatively managed enterprise. Discover why such a transformation is absolutely essential for high velocity software development.

Girish Seshagiri, Advanced Information Services, Inc.
The Ritual of Retrospectives: Your First Best Tool for a Learning Organization

You've just finished your software release. You have signed off, and it's been shipped. You're done, right? No! The moment a project ends is the perfect time to reflect on the entire project to see what there is to learn-the unique moment when the project can be viewed in its entirety. You can look at the completion of your project as having "paid your tuition." So, now what are you going to learn from it? In this presentation, Norm Kerth explores the benefits, pitfalls, and experiences with this project management tool. Explore ways to use retrospection to improve future projects in your organization.

Norm Kerth, Elite Systems
Program Management vs. Project Management

When a company has multiple products that are related in some way, management may choose to group those projects together under a Program Manager. Although Program Management areas are similar to Project Management areas (i.e., scope, time, cost, quality, communication, and risk management), there is a distinct difference between the tasks performed. Learn the differences between these two areas. Explore the keys to become a successful Program Manager.

Dulcey Branch, Texas Utilities
When Your Developers Don't Work for You-How I Managed A Band of "Hackers"

The future of the development world lies with a bunch of skilled programmers living wherever they want, taking whichever projects they like, naming their price, and disappearing once the project is over. At many firms, that is already the reality. In this presentation, learn how one company effectively managed valuable but volatile people resources. Discover why process and formality are important, and why certain practices are indispensable for minimizing risk and keeping everyone happy.

Lee Fischman, Galorath, Inc.
The Impact of Team/Personal Software Processes

Several years ago, the Naval Oceanographic Office initiated its process improvement effort with Team Software Process (TSP) and Personal Software Process (PSP) as its foundation. Learn about the areas in which TSP/PSP made a significant impact on implementing change relating to the organization's CMM maturity level. Discover how the structure provided by TSP/PSP facilitated the implementation of a Quality Assurance program, and explore the major impact TSP/PSP had on the organization's ability to establish a baseline of historical project data.

Edward Battle, Naval Oceanographic Office
A New Approach for Estimating in e-Business Development

In order to control the costs and schedules of new eBusiness development projects, a revolution in estimation and the software lifecycle must take place. Learn how the Fixed-Time/Fixed-Price estimation model of delivering software provides you with more business benefit as it reduces the new development environment to duplicable, repeatable processes and more accurate costs and time projections. Discover how this new model can increase the delivery of projects on time-and on budget-by a factor of sixty to seventy percent!

David Duncan, Cambridge Technology Partners


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