Project Management

Better Software Magazine Articles

Manage Your Personal Project Portfolio One Step at a Time

Can you take the best practices of agile and apply them to your personal life? You bet you can. Johanna Rothman writes on how she manages her personal project portfolio the same way she advise other people to manage their work project portfolios.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
Immersive Interviewing and Hiring

Hiring people for any role on an agile team (manager, ScrumMaster, product owner, team member, or architect) is challenging. Even though candidates might be able to answer your questions and prove their C++ programming skills, what you really want are people who are competent and capable, work well with others, and will fit in with your team.

Mitch Lacey's picture Mitch Lacey
Autumn Leaves

A farewell letter from Better Software magazine editor Joey McAllister.

Joey McAllister's picture Joey McAllister
Reading the Tea Leaves: Predicting a Project's Future

Project assessment and forecasting aren't magic. Payson Hall examines six factors that can increase the likelihood of project success.

Payson Hall's picture Payson Hall
Using Mission and Risk Diagnostics to Enhance Business Continuity

Noah Gamer explains that mission and risk diagnostics provide an excellent approach to risk management for any company. Using these elements together, an organization can create a better business continuity strategy. While risk is not always bad, identifying and mitigating risks can help your organization achieve success.

Noah Gamer's picture Noah Gamer
As You Wish

A letter from the Better Software magazine editor.

Joey McAllister's picture Joey McAllister
FAQ: Will a Tester Certification Help Me Get a Better Job?

In this installment of FAQ, SQE Trainer Claire Lohr answers one of the questions students ask her most often.

Claire Lohr's picture Claire Lohr
Not Just a Number: The Real Value of Metrics

Metrics can be enormously helpful, but only if they’re used correctly. Abuse them, and they will drive dysfunction. Study the stories behind the data to find the real value.

Joanne Perold's picture Joanne Perold
Things Change (and So Should Processes)

Much like the VCRs of yesteryear, our software development processes are not going to last forever. They’ll fall out of favor, while new and stronger concepts replace them. Jonathan Kohl writes about coping with process evolution in the quest to improve software.

Jonathan Kohl's picture Jonathan Kohl
Strengthen Your Discovery Muscle

An organization shouldn’t spend all its time building its delivery muscle without simultaneously building its discovery muscle. In fact, successful software teams deliver great products because they invest in discovery. Learn how to expand your innovation and strengthen your discovery muscle.


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