Design & Develop

Better Software Magazine Articles

Scaling DevOps at the Enterprise Level

DevOps for the enterprise is the set of activities that support development and testing being managed within a framework for delivering the software into a stable production environment. Kim Megahee believes that DevOps can be successfully deployed with the adoption of Akaizen.

Kim Megahee's picture Kim Megahee
Are You Done or Done-Done?

Probably one of the most frustrating roles a manager has to master is how to know the true status of work being performed. To a developer, completing 80 percent of the work may be good enough, but is it  even close to being really done? Masha Nehme shows techniques you can use to verify task completion.

Masha Nehme's picture Masha Nehme
Bringing Quality into DevOps

DevOps is represented by a set of principles and practices that help improve communication and collaboration between development and operations. Bob Aiello and Leslie Sachs have put together a great introduction showing how quality assurance needs to commence at the very start of a DevOps project.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello Leslie Sachs
Monetization 2.0: The Evolution of Software Licensing

The cloud and the rapid migration to mobile devices and the Internet of Things have made traditional software licensing schemes obsolete. Omkar describes new software monetization based on business, pricing models, and usage.

Omkarnath Munipalle's picture Omkarnath Munipalle
How Can You Get More Effective with DevOps?

By emphasizing better communication and collaboration between software development and IT, this article explores ways to establish trust by focusing on customer value. For example, Manoj Khanna suggests continuous integration and validation as techniques that helps build that trust.

Manoj Khanna's picture Manoj Khanna
Improving Quality and Value Delivery with T-Shaped Team Members

Thomas Wessel presents how T-shaped and pi-shaped teams based on each member's span of knowledge, ability to collaborate, and depth of expertise play an important part in how effectively your team performs.

Thomas Wessel's picture Thomas Wessel
Explosion of Mobile and The Internet of Everything

Better Software magazine editor Ken Whitaker highlights the contents of the July/August issue with two articles featuring mobile and wearable intelligent devices and the challenges they present to typical software development.  Ken also provides information on ordering a print copy of Better Software.

Ken Whitaker's picture Ken Whitaker
Developing Custom Apps for the Cloud

With the cloud providing tremendous freedom like instant deployment of updates, you're definitely going to have to adjust how you develop and deploy apps. Pete and Matt have created a list of things you need to consider when developing apps for the cloud.

Avoiding the Prioritization Trap

With incoming priorities being requested by just about everybody, how in the world can you and your team prioritize? Brandon shows you some innovative techniques that you can use to turn chaos into order.  One surprising approach is simply handling priorities on a first-in, first-out basis.

Brandon Carlson's picture Brandon Carlson
How DevOps Drives the Agile ALM

One of the most effective approaches to DevOps involves moving the automation of the application build, package, and deployment upstream to the beginning stages of the software development lifecycle—an industry best practice long before DevOps became as popular as it is today.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello Leslie Sachs


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