

You Don't Need Superb Technical Skills to Be a Valuable Tester

Testers who question their own technical ability have more to contribute to technical tasks than they realize because such tasks often don’t require as much technical ability as they think. Bonnie Bailey explains that growth comes through trial and error and plenty of reorienting around dead ends.

Bonnie Bailey's picture Bonnie Bailey
Open Source Automated Testing Ecosystem Time to Think about an Open Source Automated Testing Ecosystem

In our modern world of software development, software testing is increasing in importance as well as complexity. Today’s multitude of desktop and mobile operating systems, browsers, and devices, while on one hand, offer a great set of options for the end-user, also make it challenging for testers to ensure application and device compatibility.

Mukesh Sharma's picture Mukesh Sharma
Technical Testing Levels—A Call for Standards in Hiring

Brendan Quinn points out why there is a need in the industry for transparent qualifications or a set of qualifications that the industry has trust in. While testing theory is great, hirers want specifics, not aspirational achievements when it comes to technical knowledge and ability.

Brendan Quinn's picture Brendan Quinn
Test Documenting Over the Cliff

Unless you're in a test role where full, complete documentation is necessary in order to be federally compliant or to keep people from dying or losing a limb, attempting to document every little thing is a fool's errand. Software changes. A lot. With constant change, what we document one day may be obsolete the next.

Bonnie Bailey's picture Bonnie Bailey
Test Automation Warnings 4 Myths of Script-less Test Automation

Script-less automation creates a harmonious blend of functional and technological expertise to ensure test automation success. However, not everyone believes that it really works. Ravi Nukala addresses four common myths or misconceptions about script-less automation that needs some discussion.

Ravi Nukala's picture Ravi Nukala
Transition to Agile: Large Technical Debt, Small Project

When you transition to agile and you have a reasonably size codebase, chances are quite good that you’ve been working on the product for a while. You certainly have legacy ways of thinking about the code and the tests. Now learn how to work yourself out of the technical debt you have accumulated.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
5 Reasons to Automate Testing by Recording User Interaction

Rich Internet applications with desktop-like functionality can be very beneficial, but they pose special testing challenges. One approach is to start with a closer look at how users interact with the applications.

Goran Begic's picture Goran Begic
The ROI of Learning for Software Testers The ROI of Learning for Software Testers

Lisa Crispin shares some helpful tools she has come across in her software career. Although Lisa has written automated test code since the early '90s, in the past year she's collaborated more with coder and tester teammates to write maintainable, DRY, automated test code.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin
Five Ways to Make Test Automation Fail Five Ways to Make Test Automation Fail

Test automation promises much, but it can deliver disastrous results if implemented poorly. Laura Salazar takes a look at five common practices that can cause automation projects to fail.

Laura Salazar's picture Laura Salazar
Serious Acceptance Checking Serious Acceptance Checking

Matthew Heusser goes beyond trivial examples to talk about the tradeoffs and ancillary benefits of a large-scale acceptance check automation strategy.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser


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