I have 14 years of experience as Tech Support specialist working with Software Company. Would like to change gears and learn QA testing and become QA Tester specialist. Please let me know what should i start with and what would be the best approach to start learning to be a QA - tester specialist?
thank you very much for your response. I have experience of manual testing but i am willing to learn the testing automation , that is what I am looking for. Is there any specific software’s I need to take a look at in order to start gain traction with automation testing? Any particular web sites I can visit in order to learn what is the most popular – common software is being used for testing purposes…
With 14 years of support experience, I don't imagine you would have too hard a time making a lateral move within your company (if they are into that) or moving into another organization as a tester. Support and testing have A LOT in common, many good testers have origins in support.
Something you might want to fucos on is the skill set that you currently have that are useful for testers. Stuff like isolating bugs based on sparse information, working with developers to resolve issues for customers, and reporting skills. You may already have the makings of a tester, hightlight those qualities so people can see them.
First of all, I'd advise you to go work for another company!
I assume your company has QA testers. And I assume that you've applied multiple times to be one of those testers and been turned down. Can I also assume you don't have a computer science degree and you've been told that's holding you back?
If you're a support tech for a software company and you've spent 14 years helping your customers with problems they've had while using your software product and the hiring managers don't think that experience qualifies you to test that product, there's something wrong with either the internal training and development structure of the company or the people doing the hiring.
Start applying for QA jobs at other companies. Go somewhere else that appreciates your knowledge and experience.
There are some very good testers out there who don't have computer science degrees. Some don't have a college degree at all. There are also a lot of great organizations out there that understand that curiosity and a love of learning are the most important qualities for being a good tester. I am sure one of them will be happy to hire you as a QA tester.
At first you should decide what kind of testing you are interested in. Some mobile testing companies, such as Ubertesters, give an opportunity to become a tester even with an entry level of testing skills. Have a look: http://ubertesters.com/become-tester/
Many people aspire to get a break in IT through testing, it is a very good career indeed. I would recommend you to start with manual testing. In order to do so you may need to go through a manual testing IT course which will teach you about blackbox testing principles, functional testing, regression, integration, system testing. If you have IT background that will be a big plus but not mandatory.
Also registor with some good forums and QA communities. Buy a good software testing book and read at your pace. you will surely hit success in a few months.
Good luck !
If you have a critical thinking ability and are quick with learning new skills, you can begin learning a new skill at any given time. And since you are associated with tech support, you must likely have a good knowledge of some language like Java or C#.
Based on that knowledge and little assistance from your QA team or your acquaintances from a QA background, you could easily begin your journey as a tester. Besides, I would suggest you continue with your current job role while opting out for some sessions at your organization or maybe getting a course online where you can learn the basics of QA testing, right from manual testing to working on automation tools.
If you have a critical thinking ability and are quick with learning new skills, you can begin learning a new skill at any given point in time. And since you are associated with tech support, you must likely have a good knowledge of some language like Java or C#.
Based on that knowledge and little assistance from your QA team or your acquaintances from a QA background, you could easily begin your journey as a tester. Besides, I would suggest you continue with your current job role while opting out for some sessions at your organization or maybe getting a course online where you can learn the basics of QA testing, right from manual testing to work on automation tools.
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thank you very much for your response. I have experience of manual testing but i am willing to learn the testing automation , that is what I am looking for. Is there any specific software’s I need to take a look at in order to start gain traction with automation testing? Any particular web sites I can visit in order to learn what is the most popular – common software is being used for testing purposes…
Deeply appreciate your help.