Hi Buddy,
Hope you are doing great.
According to me, if yoiu are passionate about anything then you can excel in that field. Every field has its own scope and future. But to gain the market you have to become master in that field otherwise you will not able to get what you want.
There are various advantages of appium testing:
- Appium supports multiple languages for scripting test case, like Java, java script, python, Ruby.
- With Appium multiple device testing can also be achieved, but for that you’ll have to run multiple Appium servers in your machine.
- Appium can run test on emulator and real device .
- Test cases written for Appium server can also be uploaded in testing cloud. In test cloud you can run your test cases against huge number of real devices. But there will be charges for this. Parallel Test Runs with Server-Side Appium on Real Devices
- Appium have strong selectors. Writing test cases will be easy and fun.
- Any Selenium user can learn Appium easily due to its similarities in architecture and working with Selenium.
- Well known and frequently used tools/utilities with Selenium,like Apache Ant,Apache maven,Github and TestNG are also used with Appium .
- It uses existing automation frameworks and hence if Appium API does not support any operation we can use capabilities of these frameworks
- It can be integrated with Continuous Integration frameworks like Jenkins