Is there a need for the Testers be technical?

Pavan Kumar's picture
Pavan Kumar asked on November 26, 2015 - 2:16am | Replies (1).

‘Is there a need for the Testers be technical?’ is a frequently asked question and we have been hearing more of this question only since the last decade. This is because more and more organizations and companies today are considering to adopt ‘Agile’ approach to their processes. All the people and teams in organizations who are getting used to ‘Agile Methodology’ agree that testers need to do more than testing and not testing.


1 Answer

Karis Hathaway's picture

‘Is there a need for the Testers be technical?’ 

Sadly this is a hard question because, depending on what people mean by technical, the question changes.  It also depends somewhat on the job.  Sometimes a boss or job dictates that you must do/know something.  However, I don't think there is a need for all Testers to be automaters.  Nor is there a need for every tester to be able to code.  

There is a need for a Tester to learn the big picture technical details of the system he/she is testing.  Knowing that the website I am testing pulls data from a database that is updated from another, separate database is info that helps.  Knowing more about the databases and how they work is optional.   


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