performance testing tools for hybrid mobile application

Mohd Shariq's picture
Mohd Shariq asked on July 27, 2017 - 3:55am | Replies (5).

I want to perform performance testing for hybrid iOS and android mobile app. Please suggest ways on how to do it with some open source and paid tools

5 Answers

Justin Rohrman's picture

The list of tools is something you can easily find with a quick google search. The question of 'how to do it' is not something that can be answered without knowing a lot about your development process, what your team goals are, and what problems you are trying to solve. I'd recommend starting by talking with your team.

Sourabh  Chowdhury's picture

#1) LambdaTest - LambdaTest is the best automation testing

tool for desktop & web applications. With LambdaTest you

can perform both manual and automated cross-browser testing

on a combination of 2000+ desktop & mobile browsers in the

the language you prefer like Python, Java, Javascript, etc.

#2) QAppAssure, is the best test management tool I have

come across, With an On-field and on-cloud devices availed

testing, which helps the app owner understand both the sides

of the coins that are the bug faced by the current users and

also before release too. Integrated test management also

makes it easy to use all Jira and CI/CD tools in one place and

also reports all bugs from all the destinations with the support

of Multiple Frameworks like Appium, Calabash, Espresso, UI

Automator, XCUITest, are supported.

#3) Qualibrate - Qualibrate is a modern 3-in-1 test automation

the solution that transforms the way teams document and test their

SAP and Web applications, and generate training

documentation for end-users.


These are the tools that gave me good test results! 

Kanika Vatsyayan's picture

Since performance is one of the key aspects that decide the fate of a mobile application these days, it is extremely necessary that anything that can hamper the end-user experience should be worked to avoid any business loss and downtime. Besides, it is vital that any mobile application made to run on hybrid platforms should be tested to meet the benchmarks of load testing and effect on system configurations.  

Some of the few good tools that you could choose to do performance testing on the hybrid mobile applications can be: 

  • Akamai CloudTest 

  • Appium 

  • BlazeMeter 

  • Eggplant 

  • Gatling 

  • TestComplete 


You can read more about performance testing tools here.  

Kanika Vatsyayan's picture

Since performance is the one of the key aspects that decides the fate of a mobile application these days, it is extremely necessary that anything that can hamper the end-user experience should be worked to avoid any business loss and downtime. Besides, it is vital that any mobile application made to run on hybrid platforms should be tested to meet the benchmarks of load testing and effect on system configurations.  

Some of the few good tools that you could choose to do performance testing on hybrid mobile application can be: 

  • Akamai CloudTest 

  • Appium 

  • BlazeMeter 

  • Eggplant 

  • Gatling 

  • TestComplete 


You can read more about performance testing tools here.  

Milla Ahonen's picture

Eggplant is a brilliant tool that can help you with the performance testing of your hybrid mobile apps.

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