Has anyone done double click testing?

Jan Lundeen's picture
Jan Lundeen asked on December 7, 2015 - 11:58pm | Replies (3).

Has anyone ever done double click testing?  A friend told me that it might be a good think to look into.  


3 Answers

Matthew Heusser's picture

I assume you mean testing advertisements? (Not just clicking twice on stuff?)

I have not, but I have tested other kinds of ads over the years. The investigative techniques you use are similar to other kinds of testing - what is the desired interaction, can you simulate it, what happens when you try, etc.


good luck!

Carl Arndt's picture

Yes.  We test HTML banner ads using the DoubleClick platform.  It's a nice way to be able to test many points of the creative.  What would you like to know?

 - Carl


Sarabjit Singh's picture

I assume you are asking for double clicking the element on web

Browser Console: We can double click an element in browser console using jquery as shown below:

Capybara: We can do it using below mentioned code

Java: We can also use the "Actions" class in selenium in which "double-click" action is incorporated.
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;
Actions action = new Actions(driver);
WebElement element=driver.findElement(By.linkText("TEST"));

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