Adobe CQ5

Rajasekar Sundaresan's picture

I am currently trying to automate Adobe CQ5 web based application using Selenium Web driver. Is it feasible to automate this application? As this applications is basically designed by the BA guys by selecting the standard templates and design the page by drag and drop the components from sidekick and provide the properties for the components.  Then activate the designed page.  Once the page is activated the user can publish the page.  Any suggestions please!!

1 Comment

Hi All,

I am currently trying to automate Adobe CQ5 web based application using Selenium Web driver. Is it feasible to automate this application? As this applications is basically designed by the BA guys by selecting the standard templates and design the page by drag and drop the components from sidekick and provide the properties for the components. Then activate the designed page. Once the page is activated the user can publish the page. Any suggestions please!!

How to create a wrapper methods for Mouse Right Click, Double Click, Context Menu options like New, Open, Save, Delete. Similarly i have 5 popup windows where the user clicks OK button. Locator ID for OK button keeps changing every time we refresh the page .Hence the script is not able identify the OK button. We are working on a workaround to click the OK button to save the Content Paragraph component. Moreover, the main observation is that each component behavior and identification properties are unique.

Any solution is highly appreciated.

1 Answer

Matt Joste's picture
Matt Joste replied on October 8, 2015 - 11:20am.

How do you currently identify elements?


There are a number of tools available for this task.

Aside from the development tools built-in to each browser, here a few Firefox-specific tools that I've had some luck with:

WebDriver Element Locator Add-on

FirePath (XPath finder for FireBug addon)

FireRobot(Primarily a Robot Framework IDE, but has different element referencing abilities)

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