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Racecar on a track Test Faster: How We Cut Our Test Cycle Time in Half[article]

In just a year, one test team reduced its test cycle by more than 50 percent. It took analysis, planning, and effort—first they looked into how they spent their time, and then they questioned whether they could reduce time in any of those areas. Once they knew where they could be more efficient, they could start tackling their blockers. Here's how you can, too.

John Ruberto's picture John Ruberto
A police officer stands on a street with his back to the camera The Quality Police: Testing like a Law Enforcement Officer[article]

After ten years as a police officer, Adrian Oniga became a software tester. He was expecting a dramatic change, but he soon discovered that there are many similarities between testing and police work, including questioning, investigating, exploring, and analyzing. Here are some ways you can test like a law enforcement officer.

Adrian Oniga's picture Adrian Oniga
A developer and a tester looking at each other warily Examining Cross-functionality Bias on Software Development Teams[article]

Cross-functionality means having all the necessary people and skills on one self-organizing team. Unfortunately, the execution of cross-functionality is often biased. The main traps we fall into are misunderstanding the value of specialization, hero worship, and not “walking the cross-functional talk” as organizations. Let’s examine each of these pitfalls in the hope that your teams may avoid them.

Natalie Warnert's picture Natalie Warnert
Paul Merrill Balancing Testing Tools: An Interview with Paul Merrill[interview]

Paul Merrill, a principal software development engineer and consultant at Beaufort Fairmont LLC, believes that with all the tools and options available for testing, it's important to educate yourself. He discusses when it is appropriate to use certain tools based on varied test situations.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Illustration of a computer with gears showing web test automation Getting Your New Web Test Automation Up and Running[article]

So you have the responsibility of a new team and getting an entirely new web automation test infrastructure up and running. Here are the hurdles, pitfalls, and successes one QA director encountered, along with the milestones the team defined to measure success, how they migrated their existing manual tests, and the path they took to establish the new web test automation initiative.

Daniel Garay's picture Daniel Garay
Paul Grizzaffi Testing Your Metal: An Interview with Paul Grizzaffi[interview]

Paul Grizzaffi, principal automation architect at Magenic, discusses his keynote presentation, which focuses on changing your perspective to add value and determining where you are spending your time so you can evaluate what can be automated.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
STARCANADA The Life of a Tester, from Once Upon a Time to Happily Ever After[presentation]

Most fairy tales start out with a scary premise and move to a happy ending. Lately, we have heard lots of scary stories about the future of testing. As machine learning and artificial intelligence continue to gain prominence, we see even more concerns about the tester’s career. With the...

Jennifer Bonine
Person using a mobile app on their phone, photo by Erik Lucatero Evolve Your Mobile Usability Testing Methods[article]

Today’s mobile behaviors and expectations have radically changed, a result of the continuous evolution of mobile technology and the myriad new ways users can now interact with mobile. Because of this advancement in technology and user behavior, testing organizations must also advance their mobile testing solutions to ensure they continue to deliver the most intuitive, up-to-date experience possible.

James Hoshor's picture James Hoshor
Experiences at STAREAST 2018: An Interview with Michael Sowers[interview]

Michael Sowers, TechWell’s IT director and program chair for STAREAST 2018, discusses some of the activities, presentations and networking opportunities at the event. He also discusses what to expect at the all-new Agile Testing Days.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Desktop computer with monitoring software on the screen, photo by Jakob Owens 7 Ways Monitoring Can Help You Be a Better Tester[article]

Monitoring makes your testing work easier, helps you manage certain biases you may have, and lets you learn a lot about the product, users, and even your own processes. Here are seven concrete benefits testers get from monitored data that you can use to convince your team to implement monitoring—as well as realize for yourself.

Lina Zubyte's picture Lina Zubyte
Michael Bolton The Inaccurate Nomenclature of Manual and Automated Testers: An Interview with Michael Bolton[interview]

Michael Bolton, principal at DevelopSense, explains why there should not be the perceived division between manual and automated testing. He says they are both just tools in a tester's toolkit, and we should use the tools appropriate to the job at hand.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Icon showing clipboard with passed and failed tests Teaching Acceptance Test-Driven Development[article]

Acceptance test-driven development is a whole-delivery cycle method that allows the entire team to define system behavior in specific terms before coding begins. These conversations align the expectations of the testers, developers, and product owners, forcing any silly arguments to happen before someone has to create the code twice. Here are some great beginner exercises for teaching ATDD.

Matt Heusser's picture Matt Heusser
Be Indispensable: Cross-Train like a Testing Athlete Be Indispensable: Cross-Train like a Testing Athlete[magazine]

Stretching your skills and preparing for organizational and work-related change is vital for any QA tester. Your best approach is to work on complementing your skills and competencies.

Bonnie Bailey's picture Bonnie Bailey
Finding Microefficiencies in Agile Practices: An Interview with Melissa Tondi[interview]

Melissa Tondi discusses retuning your standard agile practices to better engage the project team, enabling them to write code that will pass testing and free testers to assume the role of user advocate.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Row of cupcakes decorated with blue frosting and rainbow sprinkles, photo by Brooke Lark Shifting Testing Left Bakes In Quality from the Start[article]

“Shift left” is one of the latest buzz terms in software testing. Movements like agile and DevOps recommend that testers shift left, but what does that mean, exactly? Here's how one tester became a believer in the shift-left movement; how he got his team's developers, analysts, designers, and managers on board; and how his entire organization has benefited from the shift.

James Espie's picture James Espie


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