test techniques


World for Software Testers A Dystopian World for Software Testers

You've entered the Twilight Zone. A robot that uses the cloud and massive amounts of big data can completely test software programs while detecting all bugs, rendering testers obsolete. But wait—the robot in this dystopian tale isn't utilizing special abilities only it can possess; these are methods any skilled tester should be employing right now.

Jon Hagar's picture Jon Hagar
Crowdsourced Testing Using Your Own Crowd for Crowdsourced Testing

A company used crowdsourced testing as part of the testing process when redesigning its website. This testing employed internal resources to achieve the benefits of crowdsourced testing at a greatly reduced cost and provided the added benefit of getting company employees used to the new site. Read on for a review of the process.

Nels Hoenig's picture Nels Hoenig
Agile Cycle New Ideas for Effective Localization Testing Practices in an Agile Cycle

While practices in localization testing have been suggested for every environment, it is becoming even more important to have such practices for an agile localization test effort. This is a list of ideas to help ensure on-time, on-cost product releases, synchronized efforts for releases in all languages, and good collaboration among team members.

Rajini  Padmanaban's picture Rajini Padmanaban
Exploratory Testing Thoughts about Scripted and Exploratory Testing

Scripted and exploratory testing can be seen as opposites, and it’s true that they approach testing from different angles. But they can also support each other. It is more important to think about what we will achieve with certain levels of scripting or exploration. Ask yourself: What is controlling you when you perform a test?

Aleksis Tulonen's picture Aleksis Tulonen
Removing Test from Automation Removing the Word “Test” from Test Automation

It's not uncommon for organizations to use automation on a few projects and then realize automation is a lot of work. They want to get more out of the automation tool investment but with less development cost. By removing the word test from test automation, you liberate yourself to use the automation tool set in new and innovative ways.

Greg Paskal's picture Greg Paskal
Better Testing Tips Imagine an Ocean Between You: Tips for Better Testing

Is the best way to interact with your team in person, with your teammates right next to you? Not necessarily. By working online with remote programmers and testers, people tend to approach problems from some unique perspectives. Read on to learn how imagining an ocean between you and your teammates can actually improve your communication and process.

Michael Larsen's picture Michael Larsen
Testing Value Considering the Value of Software Testers

Many people think software testing is just about verifying from a checklist that functions do or do not appear. But what if more testers spent time looking at the product's behavior? Testers working with product owners, a development team, and other stakeholders can compare their understanding of the software and ask the crucial question, “Will this meet our needs?”

Peter Walen's picture Peter Walen
Performance Testing on a Budget Practical Performance Testing on Any Budget

Testing application performance prior to release is an essential part of managing risk in any software project. But the budget must be considered when talking performance testing; you want to know what it is going to cost to build and maintain a system that supports the project goals. However, there are ways to test the performance of your project while keeping the effort to a manageable set of tasks that get the job done without breaking the bank.

Stephen Gyves's picture Stephen Gyves
Test Attacks to Break Mobile Devices Book Review: Software Test Attacks to Break Mobile and Embedded Devices

Software Test Attacks to Break Mobile and Embedded Devices presents an attack basis for testing mobile and embedded systems. Designed for testers working in the ever-expanding world of "smart" devices driven by software, the book focuses on attack-based testing that can be used by individuals and teams.

Michael Sowers's picture Michael Sowers
Testing Your Apps Picture Imperfect: Methods for Testing How Your App Handles Images

On a website and in digital files, images present a set of complications and differentiations that you need to keep in mind when your application receives and presents them. Your application might rely on a library, plugin, or service built somewhere else to handle this image management, so you should test the image uploader to ensure it works correctly and handles common points of failure. Here are some things to watch out for.

Brian Noggle's picture Brian Noggle


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