

Does Test Automation Save Time and Money?

We've all heard the pitch: test automation saves testing time and resources. Test tools can execute tests faster than a person can, and in most cases they can do so in an unattended mode. So test automation should reduce test cycle time or the number of testers needed. Right? Not exactly. But Linda Hayes will tell you what it does save.

Linda Hayes's picture Linda Hayes
Measuring Performance Against Management Deliverables

Prompted by a comment from our sticky-minded audience, this week Johanna shares some ways test managers can assess their performance against specific management deliverables likely to be high on an organization's priority list.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
The Science of Catching Hidden Bugs

Bugs that make a system crash are the most dramatic, but they may not be the most interesting. Subtle bugs hide where you don't expect them, causing systems to mislead users with incorrect results. Using scientific inquiry, you can expose these deceptive ne'er-do-wells lurking inconspicuously under the covers. Elisabeth Hendrickson offers good examples and pointers to using this investigative method.

Elisabeth Hendrickson's picture Elisabeth Hendrickson
Across the Great Divide

Many bemoan the strained relationship between testers and developers. But while we can't force testers and developers to see eye to eye on everything, we can reduce some of the tension by making simple changes in the way we communicate. Learn some great tips and tricks in this article.

Susan Joslyn
A Test Manager's Output: What Is That?

Are you a project manager or test manager who feels like you're in constant motion? While your team works on products, your week is likely filled with meetings, conference calls, email, analysis, and consultation. But when your efforts have more to do with team performance and avoiding disasters than a tangible product, how can you measure what you've done in a concrete way?

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
What's in a Name? Everything.

Quality Assurance Manager. Senior Developer. Test Manager. Think you know what those titles mean? Are they mutually exclusive? If not, where do they overlap? Which one "owns" Quality? An important step in perfecting the software development process is negotiating and understanding the responsibilities of every team member. In this column, Elisabeth Hendrickson talks about unwrapping the responsibilities beneath the job titles.

How Do You Spell Testing?

Exploratory testing operates fluidly in real time. But that doesn't mean the process has to be random or scattered. The use of heuristics and mnemonics can serve as a road map to follow as you dive into the exploratory process. In this column, James Bach shares the mnemonic he relies on most for testing and how you can use it to make sure you're covering all the bases.

James Bach's picture James Bach
Let Observation Be Your Crystal Ball

Are you a tester who is particularly good at finding "the weakest link" in code? Are you a developer who has been impressed with a tester's uncanny ability to hone in on weak code? This skill is probably more a matter of organizational understanding and observation than intuition. In this column, Bret Pettichord explains how to use communication factors to predict problem areas in code (and how to avoid letting those same observations draw you into unwanted territory).

Bret Pettichord's picture Bret Pettichord
Philosophical Questions for the Software Tester

What is quality? What makes some people notice bugs and other people not notice them? Are defects always bad? Software test engineer Bernie Berger has spent time considering the nature and essence of testing. This article takes an introspective approach by posing a list of philosophical questions for testers to consider.

Bernie Berger
Increasing the Odds: Improving Your Conference Presentation Proposal

Ever thought about speaking at a conference? People exchange information over lunch, linger after presentations, browse through the expos. Maybe you'd like to feed the knowledge mill in a bigger way. In this column, Lee helps you improve your chances of getting your presentation on the calendar.

Lee Copeland's picture Lee Copeland


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