Conference Presentations

Better Software Conference West 2015: Making Numbers Count: Metrics That Matter

As testers and test managers, we are frequently asked to report to stakeholders on the progress and results of our testing. Questions like How is testing going? may seem simple enough, but the answer is ultimately based on our ability to extract useful metrics from our work and present...

Mike Trites, PQA Testing
Find Yourself Overloaded What to Do When You Find Yourself Overloaded

As much as you might want to multitask, there is a limit to how much work in progress can be handled at once. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed—whether due to your own commitments or because management keeps piling on more projects—assess the situation and see what you can do to improve your condition without letting your work suffer.

Timothy Western's picture Timothy Western
Adopting ALM Will Enhance the Value of Your Test Team

Modern ALM emphasizes total team involvement and a comprehensive set of tools so that the development lifecycle runs smoothly. Joe Farah shows you how test case management is a vital component to a successful ALM strategy.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
Criteria Plans Managing Acceptance Criteria Plans

Some of the hardest and most crucial instances in any project execution are the user acceptance test phases. But having a thorough and clearly documented process for evaluating acceptance and exit criteria that you previously agreed on with the end-user will help you handle expectations and plan on results.

Is Agile Breaking Product Management?

It can be a challenge for a product manager to know how to lead an agile software team. As product managers take on many different roles throughout a project lifecycle, there can be confusion, resulting in the product manager doing what nobody else wants to do. Steve Johnson offers a perspective of the agile product manager that every software developer should know.

Steve Johnson's picture Steve Johnson
Indispensable Employee Management Myth 36: You Have an Indispensable Employee

An employee may become indispensable through arrogance or happenstance. These employees can cause bottlenecks and often prevent others, as well as themselves, from learning and growing professionally. "Firing" these indispensable employees sets your team free to work even when the expert is not available.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman
IT Innovation Are We Being Innovative Yet?

While becoming a more innovative organization is not complicated, it requires more than brainstorming sessions and creativity exercises. It’s about putting ideas into action. Kenton Bohn and Ryan McClish discuss how to build a workplace culture that empowers employees to try on new ways of thinking and follow their creative instincts.

Kenton Bohn's picture Kenton Bohn Ryan McClish
Effective Meetings Tips for Leading Effective Meetings

Project managers have to deal with different kinds of people and personalities every day when trying to keep their teams working together and focused on goals. The same strategies managers embrace when building a team or leading a project also can be applied when leading a meeting. The key to success is planning.

Christian Fernando Kedidjian's picture Christian Fernando Kedidjian
Are You Done or Done-Done?

Probably one of the most frustrating roles a manager has to master is how to know the true status of work being performed. To a developer, completing 80 percent of the work may be good enough, but is it  even close to being really done? Masha Nehme shows techniques you can use to verify task completion.

Masha Nehme's picture Masha Nehme
Friendly Competition Management Myth 35: Friendly Competition Is Constructive

Competition between teams does not improve performance. In fact, the added stress may shift team members' focus from creating a quality product to self-preservation due to fear of failure. Johanna suggests managers emphasize collaboration between teams over competition.

Johanna Rothman's picture Johanna Rothman


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