
Conference Presentations

Agile DevOps East Lightning Strikes the Keynotes

Lightning Talks consist of a series of five-minute talks by different speakers within one presentation period. Lightning Talks are the opportunity for speakers to deliver their single biggest bang-for-the-buck idea in a rapid-fire presentation. Some of the best-known experts will step up to the podium and give you their best shot of lightning. Get multiple keynote presentations for the price of one—and have some fun at the same time.

Bob Galen
STARWEST 2018 Building a Modern DevOps Enterprise Testing Organization

The DevOps movement is front and center across enterprises. Companies with mature systems are breaking down siloed IT departments and federating them into product development teams and departments. Testing and its practices are at the heart of these changes. Traditionally, development organizations have been filled with mostly manual testers and a limited number of automation and performance engineers. Adam Auerbach says this has to change. To keep pace with development in the new “you build it, you own it” environment, testing teams and individuals must develop new technical skills and even embrace coding in order to stay relevant and add more value to the business. Based on his experiences at Lincoln Financial and Capital One, Adam explores what the DevOps movement is all about, its core values, and proven patterns for how testing must evolve.

Adam Auerbach
STARWEST 2018 Use Soap Opera Testing to Twist Real-Life Stories into Test Ideas

Reality is a great source of inspiration. Real-life situations can present complexities that are not always anticipated—and, as a consequence, not always handled well. Business functional tests should try to present situations that are routed in reality but also aren’t too obvious. Testing and automation pioneer Hans Buwalda came up with a concept for test design called "soap opera testing" based on this concept. It is a style of writing tests where one writes as if they were episodes in an imaginary soap opera on television. Soap opera episodes are based on real life, but usually they are more condensed and somewhat exaggerated, which are great properties for efficient and effective test design. Thinking of test development as writing soap operas can encourage creativity and be more fun. It also paves a way for nontechnical domain experts to contribute.

Hans Buwalda
Peer to Peer Session: Solving Your Continuous Delivery Problems

Peer-to-peer Discussion: How Do I Make CD Work in My Environment? Building a successful continuous delivery pipeline is very context specific. Large organizations with legacy code, existing physical environments, regulatory constraints, large monolithic applications, or stove piped organizations often struggle to find a continuous delivery approach that will work for them successfully. If this sounds familiar, this session is for you. Join facilitator Lee Eason as conference participant’s work together to identify and solve difficult continuous delivery challenges. Learn how other participants and speakers have dealt with the issues you have within their own companies and how you can apply their lessons learned. Share your successes and help others solve their DevOps problems. Expand upon questions you’ve asked during others sessions so you leave the conference with even more ideas for addressing your CD challenges.

Lee Eason
DevOps West 2018, Agile Dev West 2018, Better Software West 2018 I, Project Manager: Meet the Future of AI Software Delivery

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Rachel Burger
DevOps West 2018, Agile Dev West 2018, Better Software West 2018 Managing DevOps Complexity with Systems Thinking

Many teams make the mistake of starting their DevOps journey without a plan. They are excited that there is a way to eliminate pain and increase value in their delivery cycles and value streams, but starting without a plan often relieves pain in one part of the value stream but only causes more pain elsewhere. In this case study-style presentation, Logan Daigle will discuss the methods he has used with a variety of companies to ensure they are thinking about the whole DevOps picture from the beginning. He'll discuss best steps and practices for applying systems thinking to DevOps and give key metrics you can use to measure progress on your own DevOps journey. You will walk away with the ability to put a plan together to better manage your DevOps system complexity and understand how to apply systems thinking to your organization's situation.

Logan Daigle
DevOps West 2018, Agile Dev West 2018, Better Software West 2018 A Definition of Done for DevSecOps

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Gene Gotimer
DevOps West 2018, Agile Dev West 2018, Better Software West 2018 Liquibase: An Open Source Version Control Tool for Your Database

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Blaine Carter
DevOps West 2018, Agile Dev West 2018, Better Software West 2018 How DevOps Drives Product Innovation

Customers are demanding faster delivery of software products. Unfortunately, many organizations have not figured out how to automate their delivery process so they can deploy software applications on demand. In this session, Shivakumar Gopalakrishnan will discuss how Varian Medical Systems uses DevOps capabilities, AI, and chatbots to improve the operational aspects of its 360 Oncology care management platform and enable innovation by shortening time to market. As with any DevOps infrastructure for cloud-native applications, 360 Oncology's infrastructure is complex and has multiple streaming sources of information. You'll learn how bleeding-edge technologies and tools are leveraged to enable the DevOps team to make more informed decisions quickly.

Shivakumar Gopalakrishnan
DevOps West 2018, Agile Dev West 2018, Better Software West 2018 You Only Have to Change One Thing to Make DevOps Work: Everything

We’re told that adopting DevOps can have all sorts of benefits, but many organizations are not getting the results they hoped for. The term “DevOps” has been co-opted to mean anything from tools to a job title. Without an understanding of what DevOps is really all about, success is elusive. In this session, Ken Mugrage presents DevOps as an overhaul to existing software development organizations and processes. He talks about organizational structures that enable team members to take full advantage of the automation and visibility gained with a DevOps-enabled culture. Ken will then discuss evolutionary software architectures and platforms to enable continuous delivery, as well as how to make your CD pipeline available to all parts of your organization. You will leave with an understanding of what DevOps really means and how to begin your journey.

Ken Mugrage


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