Better Software Magazine Articles

Explosion of Mobile and The Internet of Everything

Better Software magazine editor Ken Whitaker highlights the contents of the July/August issue with two articles featuring mobile and wearable intelligent devices and the challenges they present to typical software development.  Ken also provides information on ordering a print copy of Better Software.

Ken Whitaker's picture Ken Whitaker
Developing Custom Apps for the Cloud

With the cloud providing tremendous freedom like instant deployment of updates, you're definitely going to have to adjust how you develop and deploy apps. Pete and Matt have created a list of things you need to consider when developing apps for the cloud.

Attacking Quality Issues in Data Warehousing

To fully detect, isolate, and resolve quality issues in a traditional, large-scale data warehouse requires that several approaches be used together. Wayne identifies types of data quality issues and then illustrates how to best attack and resolve those pesky issues.

Wayne Yaddow's picture Wayne Yaddow
We Value Your Feedback - Editor's Note

Better Software magazine editor Ken Whitaker introduces the May/June 2014 issue, highlighting the feature articles and detailing how readers can provide their feedback.

Ken Whitaker's picture Ken Whitaker
Making Testing at eBay More Realistic

Have you had customers report issues that cannot be reproduced in the test environment? Have you had defects leak into production because your test environment is not...

Kamini Dandapani, eBay, Inc.
Fixing the Brittleness Problem with GUI Tests

One common complaint about test automation is that it’s too brittle. Small changes in the system can cause lots of rework during the automated checks. In this article, Clint Hoagland shows a way to fix “the brittleness problem” by using the right abstractions in your automation design.

Clint Hoagland's picture Clint Hoagland
Joe Justice inventor of the Extreme Manufacturing project management method For Maximum Awesome: An Interview with Joe Justice

Joe Justice is a consultant at Scrum Inc. and inventor of the Extreme Manufacturing project management method. He also is the founder of Team WIKISPEED, an all-Scrum volunteer-based, "green” automotive prototyping company.

Cameron Philipp-Edmonds's picture Cameron Philipp-Edmonds
Configuration Management: The Ultimate Conductor in the Product Lifecycle

When you think of configuration management, build automation and version control usually come to mind. Dave presents a perspective that shows the important role CM plays in the entire product and project lifecycle.

Dave Lyon's picture Dave Lyon
Agile Development Conference & Better Software Conference East 2013: Avoiding Overdesign and Underdesign

The question of how much design to do up-front on a project is an engaging one.  Too much design often results in overkill, complexity, and wasted effort. Too little design results in insufficient system structures that require later rework, additional complexity, and wasted effort.

Ken Pugh, Net Objectives
User Acceptance Testing: An Interview with Susan Bradley

Susan Bradley and TechWell's Noel Wurst discuss how making the user part of your testing team helps achieve quality at the beginning of your project. Learn how the user's valuable input creates real ownership of the product and helps everyone share the workload.

Noel Wurst's picture Noel Wurst


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