testability Questions

With Technology disruptions happening in fast pace, testing gets embeded as part of the development and testing as a phase may not exist, so what is the futuer of testing professionals after 10 years from now. What is the future ?

By Jackie Walker - April 29, 201512 Answers

We currently have our test cases in Excel and our test cases are hard to manage. Can onyone recommend a good management tool.


Jackie W.


How do people certify their product against a new release of an OS, Server side OS, IIS release, SQL Server version, Java version, .Net, etc?

Our current process is to run our regression suite against the product, but as our suite has gotten larger with more and more products this is now too time consuming. Does anyone know of any specific tools that can be run to test your application for compatibility with updated versions of the above components?

Thanks for your feedback,


Dektop application automation tool for testing

I work in the healthcare industry and we are looking to bring a tool in-house for automation. Currently our billing application is done in Java Swing and I have found capatibility issues using Selenium against Swing, but not sure about QTP or TestComplete.

Any insight on the better of the two and why would be incredibly helpful. Thank you in advance.



What Test Methodology is appropriate for Mobile Application Testing?

Agile or V-Model. Is there any methodology adapted for Mobile App testing?

Who can tell about his practical experience to work in a Agile and DevOps environment? You can for example think of questions like below:

  • What were for example the general advantages and disadvantages?
  • How was the relationship/atmosphere within the team?
  • Which was more succesfull at the end?
  • What do you prefere and why?

I have had a hard time finding any kind of testing issues/guides for testing Windows 8 Surface Pro, any help?

I am searching some articles about sofware installation/uninstallation. Which are things what must have tested, best practices, creating test cases and so on.

Thanks for help :)

By Kim Shearer - October 31, 20145 Answers

Looking for information around testing online web gaming applications.


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