test techniques Questions

how to test vulnerability of ecommerce, whether the applied security is properly working or not?

whether the website can be hacked by anyone or not

Have you used qtpselenium.com to learn automation tools? please advise

can you validate a test case at the device level by pointing to the results of a test case at the functional or unit level? (Can a Uit test be used for validation of a Device level test?  Can a Unit test be used to validate an Integration level test?)

Can you validate a test case by pointing to another test case at the same level? (i.e., can one DFS test be used to validate another DFS test?, can one Unit test be used to validate another Unit test?)

By Mohit Singh - March 20, 20172 Answers

What could be 10 possible test cases to test MS Excel application (NOT writing test cases or creating a template ON MS Excel)?

As i have worked in Retail Banking domain as a Sr.Test Engineer(6 years),What kind of technical questions be asked in interview?

Hello All

 i am a fresher form  application background . iIwant to know what is the basic process to perform functional testing on embedded software using automated tool.




What is the future of manual Testing in software testing. And if no automation skills a resouces has where should he move now.What are the diffferent options available.


One of the challenges our QA faces is being able to test our application, which abstracts behavior from the SaaS API, such as the SF API, Eloqua API, Google API, etc., and ensuring the applicatino is behaving correctly.  Some SaaS sources have data that changes and we DO need to also verify data.  Since some of the SaaS sources are also not updateable programatically, you can't know if the SUT is in the state you need it.  Thoughts?

It seems that a popular approach to QA automation is a quick start to cover a most critical area with automated tests ASAP and then proceed automating other areas of testing. This second phase requires more dedicated tool(s). So, what features are most important for such a tool so that it could be useful for your web application?

  • Visual baseline: to compare with results of new test runs
  • Smart CSS selectors: to find and interact with CSS elements on a web page
  • Ignore from comparison: selecting areas on a page which should not be checked for differences
  • Clone, parameterize and invoke tests: reuse existing tests for quick creation of new ones, with the same or new parameters (such as start URL, text entries, login credentials etc)
  • CI-friendly: test execution via Jenkins jobs or with the help of any other popular CI tool
  • Codeless/code-based
  • Your own options?

All of us have our own view of what MUST be the proper New Product Development phases. I believe those are:

1. Ideation: Come-up with an idea you think it could be a market winner.

2. Patenting: Evaluate the merit of getting Intellectual Property (IP) protection for your new product idea.

3. Design: Develop non or partially functioning models of your new product idea and start soliciting user feedback.

4. Feasibility Proof: Perform various technical/business studies to determine IF your new product idea is feasible.

5. Development: Develop a product/process to yield a number of fully functioning new product prototypes as if each of them were to be used by the final user/customer.

6. Controlled Field Use Trial: Let potential users use the new product as IF it were purchased by them and generate feedback based on a previously approved protocol.

7. Design-Verification/Validation: Fine-tune new product design/development and complete design verification/validation studies to confirm the new product meets User Requirement Specifications (URSs) per its respective Labeling Claims.

8. Regulatory Filing (if required): Prepare any required documentation and submit it to appropriate Regulatory Authorities for securing their approval to market it.

9. Full Field Use Trial: Repeat above phase 6 but using a comprehensive pool of potential users/customers.

10. Scaling-up: Scale-up your process so your new product could be manufactured in high quality/low cost conditions.

11. Technology-Transfer: Develop documents' list for new product's production in high volume.

12. Process Validation: Validate your process so it produces final product consistently meeting specifications.

13. Manufacturing: Start manufacture and ship product to market.

14. Launch: Launch product and monitor its acceptance by the user.

15. Line Maintenance/ Improvement: Compile, analyze user feedback and continuously improve product.

What is your opinion? Please explain, if you could.


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