test techniques Questions

I want to migrate the data from Magento 1.9x to Magento 2.x. Can anyone help me out this?

What is the best testing approach for 1 week's sprint in Agile Scrum?

What is the best testing approach for 1 week's sprint in Agile Scrum?

I have a Project Test Report template but it seems to formal.  I'm looking for ideas for an End of Sprint Test Report, that only reports Manual Regression Testing results.  I need a report that helps me keep track of user stories not ready for regression in one sprint but will be in the next few sprints.

I'm using VSTS Test Hub, so I have access to charts and queries from tests I've run.

Going forward, I would like to report on Automative (and Manual) Regression Test Results.

Appreciate your expertise.  Thanks.



I am planning to learn Appium TestNG framework, is it worth to learn ?

Provide me Test Case Documents , Which type of Scenarios follow in Registrion Pages?

which type of testing types apply

The Zephyr Api: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.thed.zephyr.zapi/cloud/installation

Power BI: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/

Has anyone managed to actually integrate the api into Power BI? and if so how did you do it? The jira rest-api has been integrated but vital information based on test cycles is all missing.


Is there a free alternative to ZAPI to expose that data as well?


Thank you!

I am in search of an open source tool so that I can automate testing of a Windows Desktop application.


By Jo Rand - August 10, 20174 Answers

I am interested in hearing your thoughts on how End to End testing across multiple applications could/should be managed across agile teams, where the teams are responsible for an application/system with integration with another application/system.

I'd be interested in knowing how other companies handle this from a strategic and project level.  Thanks


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