test techniques Questions

Looking for a tool that helps to manage all our automated test cases in selenium and give an interface to manage them

We are currently using Micro Focus performance Center for our performance testing. We would like to find a replacement tool but want to access how to prevent from rescripting our existing test.

Is there a tool that can assist with migrating these tools to another system?

I an 5 years experienced Automation tester(Selenium Webdrver) and have completed ISTQB FL. What are the other certifications I take up related to Agile/Automation/IoT/DevOps/Mobile Testing?

Hi ,

Can any one please advise, how to track Traceability from Cucumber report - Feature file and  Scenario to the corresponding stroy( Issue key) and Epic in Jira. 


what is the approrpriate quality assurance and test strategy for technology migration projects to ensure a right test coverage?

I was just assigned recently to a new role to lead and develop a Quality Engineering Team, our first task is to conduct software testing for a reporting application that our organization is currently developing.  We already have some test plans, test cases and test steps developed (in excel format), but I was hoping if we can automate the QA testing as well as UAT using the an automated testing.  Will you be able to recommend what available software or applications we can use to do this?  

I saw selenium as one option, but we are still trying to explore it, but we may need a tool that is much easier and user firendly.

Thanks in advance for your answers.


We are endeavoring to coordinate tests in our day by day constructs utilizing TestComplete, so far we have a machine devoted for testing and our fabricate content duplicates to this machine everything TestComplete requirements for its tests (Application, Database, Test content venture and source documents, and so forth). 

Essentially we can open the TestComplete venture physically and run the tests. 

Presently we need to computerize that procedure, so how would you do it? Or on the other hand how would you think would be the least difficult and most ideal approach to make this robotization? 

Keeping it short, we need to robotize the way toward opening TestComplete after each form, run every one of the tests and send an email with the test outcomes.

Are we able to create and execute our app automation scripts on multiple devices through Automation studio in 30 minutes ?

Thanks, James


There are so many tools for marketing that are pitted against each other, but each tool has got some special feature associated with it specifically. Such as


•For Automation testing, Selenium and UFT(QTP) are preferred

•For Performance  testing, JMeter and LoadRunner are preferred

•For Services testing SOAP UI are preferred

•For unit testing mbunit, testing is preferred


However, Selenium and OATS (Oracle Application Testing Suite) are getting increasingly popular among the testers for the testing purposes.




Selenium testing tool automates web browsers. first and foremost, it is used for automating web applications for the purposes of testing but is surely not restricted to just that. Mundane web-based administration tasks can be easily automated with Selenium.

Selenium tool has got the incessant support of some of the biggest browser dealers across the globe who have taken simple steps to make Selenium an indigenous part of their particular browser. It is also the mainstay equipment in innumerable other browser automation tools along with the APIs and the frameworks.




All the OATS technologies quickly mechanize your tests for objective 32-bit or 64-bit Java applications as well as Java applets present in your web browsers. It is an integrated, all-inclusive web application testing tool that provides all the tools and mechanisms you need to make sure the scalability and dependability of your business-critical apps, software etc.


By r t - February 27, 20181 Answer

Scenario: user has account on machine & open directory file:

Expected Result:

- Windwos pop up a message with warning message to him that he has no permission to do that

- Check web consol website, the machine name should be listed as under attachek.


How to automate this scenario & which tool can be used. P.S I will simulate the test on multiple VMs on my locak machine.


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