test techniques Questions

I have had a hard time finding any kind of testing issues/guides for testing Windows 8 Surface Pro, any help?

I am searching some articles about sofware installation/uninstallation. Which are things what must have tested, best practices, creating test cases and so on.

Thanks for help :)

By Kurien Koshy - November 10, 20141 Answer

What are the different kinds of standard metrics that needs to be considered for a product at different stages including during inhouse testing and after release of the product to the Clients.

Suggestions and input welcome


By Kim Shearer - October 31, 20145 Answers

Looking for information around testing online web gaming applications.

I Know that Valgrind tool is the best option to test memory leak in Linux platform.I am working on testing of  ARM7 based embedded system which runs on   RTX operating system,I did not found any specific tool to test memory leak caused by applications which run on target baord.If somebody worked on this domain please provide some info on possible approch to test memory leak or any memory related tests.

For one of the several applications I test, we're importing a significant amount of data from one database to another.  My PM has asked for me to research some "Best Practices" on how best to verify that the data imported correctly.  Do you have any suggestions on where I could find some "Best Practices" to support my testing effort?



I am trying to make a proposal for automation testing of a e-learning website.

By Beverly Benson - July 29, 20142 Answers

I have large files that I need to validate but I need a text parser.  Anyone have a suggestion?

What are the skills needed for the entry level Performance testers

What are the skills needed for the Middle level Performance testers

What are the skills needed for the Advanced level Performance testers

By Manu Joy - June 26, 20141 Answer


       I am a new user in Bugzilla. I need to customize the email template(newchangedmail.txt.tmpl). I want to know only two things.

     1. Which variable represent for 'RESOLUTION' ?

     2. Which variable represent for 'DEAD LINE DATE' ?

   Can anyone please help me .


 Thanks in advance.

 Manu Joy


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