test methodologies Questions

I was wondering what is the market preference for the programming language. Like C#, Java, Ruby/RoR, PHP, Python etc.

I did my degree in correspondence am i eligible for IT field if so h

By Jan Lundeen - December 7, 20153 Answers

Has anyone ever done double click testing?  A friend told me that it might be a good think to look into.  


By richard semock - October 18, 20152 Answers

Previous conferences of Star West and the agile methodology in general have accepted the concept that testers and programmers are both subsets of the developer category. Is this still the accepted definition or are programmers the only team members that are considered developers.

With Technology disruptions happening in fast pace, testing gets embeded as part of the development and testing as a phase may not exist, so what is the futuer of testing professionals after 10 years from now. What is the future ?

Please give your valuable suggestion , this will help me a lot throughout my career.


Additional skills like:

1. Any technologies ( automation tools/mobile technology/ java/ any.......)

2.About Testing

3.Any other 


Not only above skills recommedn any other from your perspective.

Please suggest ..Thanks

By Nayeem Shaikh - April 14, 20152 Answers

Dear All

I am just joined Stickminds and this is my first question. I am in solution team of this new organization which i have recently joined. As part of the solutioning team I am responcible for giving solution to RFP's (Request for Proposals).

Can somebody guide me in how to write good proposals. Any links,notes etc will do for reference.

Awaiting reply from experts.









Iam new to this site and found it very useful. I have worked as a software tester for 7 years  and would like to return to the testing market again after a gap of 2 years from the industry as my child is young.

I have worked on Agile methodologies and some scripting in ruby (basic knowledge) with Cucumber.

I would like to learn few technologies and an automation tool before I start looking for jobs. Please advice me what scripting langauge and automation tools I should focus on.

Since I have a gap of 2years I would like to gain skills before I start giving interviews.

Please help!

Dektop application automation tool for testing

We are using two Separate bug tracking tools (one for the core product and one for customisations). We want to merge them together because

1) we are finding that our customers need fixes before our core dept gets them merged into the core product

2) many bugs are fixed in the core product and our customers have not or choose not to upgrade. Often they don't know which build has the fix.

3) there is duplicate effort in both departments

Both teams are using Scrum 


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