test execution Questions

Environment issue is due to data not sync between 2 applications and this is on test environment. I managed to get 2-3 records for which code is working correct.

I want to know most usefull open source test case management or test data management tool. Our company is doing R&D on this. I found there are many open source tool but unable to conclude.


Main features required :

Centralized test cases storage   

Test cases templates for common functionalities   

Search based on the metadata  

Import and Export   

User roles

Integration with defect tracking tool


We are migrating the existing japanese website and relaunching in our company platform. I need to do the content testing in the migrated site. Please help me how to verify the Japanese content with the legacy site.

We don't have resource who knows Japanese langauage. Is there any tool which can be used for comparing the legacy site content with the migrated site content?

I have 5 testNg methods. It will take around 2 to 3 hours to complete the 5 test methods. So I want to execute each test methods in different chrome instance so that time will be reduced. Am executing the test methods using java main class by passing the series file which contains the class name.

I worked as a manual tester for 2 years and took a break because I had kids. Now when I apply for jobs, I couldn't get a call back as there is a gap in my career. It’s been 3 years since I worked and I live in UK.

I have taken selenium automation testing course online.And what are the recent technologies/tools that I have to learn so I can improve.

By Ketakee Nimavat - March 8, 20191 Answer

Hi everyone,

I am a CS graduate student taking a course on Software Engineering. I would like to eventually do a project on generating test cases from software requirements but first I would like to understand why there aren't more tools doing so.

It would be great to have your response on this!


Any help would be appreciated.




Everyone is now looking for the automation testing. Because there is lot of problem happening in manual test case generation and execution. So, how can I increase users for manual testing? is any latest features there? if it means, please let me know..

We will are looking to change from RSA to Multi Factor Authentication for a large group of remote users.  I would like to test Load Test the MFA.  Can this be done?




Which are the best test automation system for stress testing hardware and software algorithms?  

So, I'm writing automation tests for a huge web platform. We have page objects folder with files for each web page which contain a great amount of selectors used in tests. Also, tests pertaining to one of the component/functionality are all grouped in one file. 


The main question is whether the functions used by multiple tests (and some will have assertions in them) should be written:

1. Functions w/o assertions in page object and those w/ assertions in helper file for that component/functionality

2. All functions in helper file

3. Functions w/o assertions in page object and write the rest of the commands with assertions in the specific tests even though they may repeat and make the file with tests huge.

Testing is done in javasctipt(more recent: typescript), selenium webdriver, protractor, jasmine.

I really hope someone can solve this conundrum since nobody in my office has enough experience to help me. Thank you!

p.s. Should we group tests in one file? or write wvery test in a separate one?  



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