quality assurance Questions

By Tim Thompson - February 16, 20212 Answers

With Microsoft Test Manager being abandoned by Microsoft we are looking for a suitable replacement.
A relacement tool needs to have these core features
- hierarchical structure of test suites
- parameters per test case for populating predefined values and creating iterations
- decent reporting
- integration with Git/GitHub
- well documented API

Any suggestions are welcome.

By Ella Luzhkova - January 20, 2021No Answers

Hello everyone. Please help me find a device farm. I want a farm with performance statistics collection

I see it this way - we are writing a bot that can emulate player behavior. Next, we launch these bots on the farm on devices of different tiers. The farm records fps during the game and generates a report. Next, I look at which devices we have problems with and ask them to optimize. It is important that the farm has an API, with which I would pause/unpause the FPS recording (so as not to record useless FPS drops, for example, while loading a level).

cool if the farm can collect

- fps

- consumed RAM

- load on processor

Thank you!

I am using Azure Databricks with Blob Storage. In my Python Notebook, I wanted to read a raw string using spark.read(). I dont know how to read a string with this methodology, if not this then is there any other way by which I can read a string value directly using spark. Because then I need to write that particular string in a text file using df.write.format("text").save([path]).

Currently I am only able to read contents from a file using spark.read.text([path of file]). So, instead of reading from file I directly wanted to pass a string value.

My company is moving from an Angular front end to a React one, and I'm researching the best way for the QA department to follow suit. We want to keep using the Protractor framework for test automation, but what tools would go best with React and Protractor in terms of maintanability, scalability and ease of use? Looking at Jest/Enzyme vs Mocha, Chai, TestCafe, Telerik, etc. Any opinions from those experienced with any of these tools would be greatly appreciated!

Similar to QA dept being certified (Eg:ISO/IEX) in service based companies, is there specific certification for QA dept in product based companies?

Also provide details & process on how to get the QA dept certified.

Scenario: I am working for a Product based company where schedule is very tight and we usually do not get much time between releases to create proper test cases, update and manage test suite, revisit the existing ones. Hence even though we have quite a large amount of TC repository, most of the testing goes adhoc and so are the defects, rendering those cases un-fruitful.
Following traditional testing process consumes lots of test execution time which affect quality.
Our process does not follow proper agile methodology or waterfall. Even though we have dates timelines, estimations from Dev, QA etc but 99% of times they tend to extend due to last minute change request (decision: upper management).
Overall, since we are not following any proper methodology, following traditional testing method of creating ground level cases with steps/ updating on test management tool/ executing and then following defect management etc takes a toll.
Is there any effective, swift way to do the same in better way which follows our working style??

We have a very complex software product that is installed and runs on a Computer or Server.  The Software is managed by a Management Console in the Cloud. 

For years all of our End to End testing was manual.  But this was very resource intensive and time comsuming.  So a couple of years ago we moved to a more agule development approach and built a test automation system to run these End to End tests.  However, we quickly found limitations for example we couldn't have automated tests check what is being displayed in the UI running on the Computer, or check what is being displayed in the Management Console in the Cloud.  So we can never fully replicate in automation what the manual tests were doing.

The result is that we still run, some if not all, of the automated tests manually so check the parts that the automation can't.  So it hasn't really saved us any time or effort.  Also the reliability of the automated tests is an issue due to trhe complexity of the software and it having so many moving parts.  We often run into timing related issues.

Is it possible that some software does not make a suitable candidate for End to End test automation?  If so, what sort of approach should be taken in that situation?  I've been ready about test automation a lot and looked at a number of different tools and systems, but both the tools and the theory all seem to be based around website testing, rather than testing Desktop software.

Many thanks in advance for any thoughts and suggestions. 

I am new to testing and my mentor at the company is asking me to get my base strong with regards to manual testing. I know java and made few demo projects with selenium - browser automation and rest assured - API testing . They are expecting me to have better test cases coverage and base needs to be strong . So , anybody knows few blogs/resources from which I can get my foundation strong?



In live agile and waterfall project, how can we perform regression testing successfully ?

which test cases we need to execute and how to maintain the regression testing folder ?

should we do full regression testing or partial regression? 

how to prioritise regression testing if time is less? 

what are the best practices to successfully do regression testing in a agile project

I want to know the best approaches (Automated UAT, Regression testing, Retesting, etc.) to reduce production defects in software development.


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