agile Questions

There are so many tools for marketing that are pitted against each other, but each tool has got some special feature associated with it specifically. Such as


•For Automation testing, Selenium and UFT(QTP) are preferred

•For Performance  testing, JMeter and LoadRunner are preferred

•For Services testing SOAP UI are preferred

•For unit testing mbunit, testing is preferred


However, Selenium and OATS (Oracle Application Testing Suite) are getting increasingly popular among the testers for the testing purposes.




Selenium testing tool automates web browsers. first and foremost, it is used for automating web applications for the purposes of testing but is surely not restricted to just that. Mundane web-based administration tasks can be easily automated with Selenium.

Selenium tool has got the incessant support of some of the biggest browser dealers across the globe who have taken simple steps to make Selenium an indigenous part of their particular browser. It is also the mainstay equipment in innumerable other browser automation tools along with the APIs and the frameworks.




All the OATS technologies quickly mechanize your tests for objective 32-bit or 64-bit Java applications as well as Java applets present in your web browsers. It is an integrated, all-inclusive web application testing tool that provides all the tools and mechanisms you need to make sure the scalability and dependability of your business-critical apps, software etc.


By r t - February 27, 20181 Answer

Scenario: user has account on machine & open directory file:

Expected Result:

- Windwos pop up a message with warning message to him that he has no permission to do that

- Check web consol website, the machine name should be listed as under attachek.


How to automate this scenario & which tool can be used. P.S I will simulate the test on multiple VMs on my locak machine.

By r t - February 27, 20181 Answer

Product consistis of 3 modules desktop application, utility middle ware, webconsol.

to test the project need to simulate many desktops by many VMs in one machine.

desktop application connects to kernel mode in some operations & some will communicate the utility middle ware & as actions will be at the end displayed in web consol website.


I will use Selenium web driver for automate testing webconsol. what should I use for automate the desktop & utility as well? .. I need the tool to be open source and need to know how it will be integrated with selenium as well.

Can someone explain agile coaching at team level?  conflict that they have face and how did they resolve? 

What i have done in the past are listen observe facilitate in such a way so what i hear bad in a team or conflict in a team can resolve and team moves on to do better things.  I am looking for better ideas if some one has experience it.

Thank you

What is the best testing approach for 1 week's sprint in Agile Scrum?

What is the best testing approach for 1 week's sprint in Agile Scrum?

I have a Project Test Report template but it seems to formal.  I'm looking for ideas for an End of Sprint Test Report, that only reports Manual Regression Testing results.  I need a report that helps me keep track of user stories not ready for regression in one sprint but will be in the next few sprints.

I'm using VSTS Test Hub, so I have access to charts and queries from tests I've run.

Going forward, I would like to report on Automative (and Manual) Regression Test Results.

Appreciate your expertise.  Thanks.



What is the difference between burn-up and burn-down chart?

From Sangram

Provide me Test Case Documents , Which type of Scenarios follow in Registrion Pages?

which type of testing types apply


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