STAREAST 2014 - Software Testing Conference


Top Practices for Successful Mobile Test Automation

Mobile apps bring a new set of challenges to testing—fast-paced development cycles with multiple releases per week, multiple app technologies and development platforms to support...

Fred Beringer, SOASTA

Twelve Tips for Becoming a More Professional Tester

Many testers feel that their organizations do not treat them with the same level of  professionalism and respect that their development peers receive. Testers attribute this to the...

Joel Montvelisky, PractiTest

Using the Cloud to Load Test and Monitor Your Applications

Load testing is often one of the most difficult testing efforts to set-up—in both time for the deployment and cost for the additional hardware needed. Using cloud-based software, you...

Charles Sterling, Microsoft

Video: 42 Hundred Testers Under the Sea

This true story tells the tale of a company that’s dedicated to unleashing innovation by simplifying IT. But in order to bring these innovations to customers, many thousands of...

Mikael Fries and Mazen Arar, Oracle
Video: Continuous Testing through Service Virtualization

The demand to accelerate software delivery and for teams to continuously test and release high quality software sooner has never been greater. However, whether your release strategy is...

Allan Wagner, IBM

Video: Delivering Velocity and Quality for the New Style of Application Delivery

Do you want to deliver high performance applications with unprecedented velocity and uncompromising quality?  Join HP Experts, Silvia Siqueira, Michael Cooper, and Shane Evans for an informative discussion about HP’s recent innovations in testing and quality assurance to make...

Michael Cooper, HP, Silvia Siqueira, HP, and Shane Evans, HP

Video: Principles Before Practices: Transform Your Testing by Understanding Key Concepts

It’s one thing to be exposed to new techniques from conferences and training courses, but it’s quite another thing to apply them in real life. A major reason is that people tend to...

Randy Rice, Rice Consulting Services, Inc.

Video: Put Your Test Automation on Steroids

Do you ever wonder if you are maximizing the potential of your Test...

Regg Struyk, Polarion

Video: Service Virtualization Enables Continuous Testing

Build-test-release-deploy processes for today’s interdependent systems are commonly impacted by constraints associated with a staged test environment—for instance, the complexity and...

Wayne Ariola, Parasoft

Video: Testing in the Age of Distraction: Flow, Focus, and Defocus in Testing

We live in interesting times. Knowledge is available at our fingertips, no matter where we are. Social networks enable communication around the world. However, along with these marvels...

Zeger Van Hese, Z-sharp


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