STAREAST 2001 - Software Testing Conference


Using Commonly Captured Data to Improve Testing Processes

For a variety of reasons, many test organizations routinely collect data on defects found during testing,
on tests that were run, on estimated time and actual time spent testing, on code coverage, and on
customer-reported problems, among other things. Some of these data only become collectable after
formal processes are put in place, while others can be obtained with minimal effort. The subject of this
paper is to describe a case study of collecting and using the latter type of data. Four databases are used

Dean Lapp, Minitab Inc.
Virtual Test Management: Rapid Testing Over Multiple Time Zones

With the ever-changing challenges of testing, here comes the latest one: managing multiple test locations. More and more companies are spreading testing organizations throughout the country and the world. Based on real-life experiences of the speakers, learn the mistakes to avoid and the lessons learned in managing multiple sites. Discover how the Virtual Test Manager can manage a dispersed test organization without having to always be physically present.

Jim Bampos, VeriTest and Eric Patel, Nokia
What are Patterns? Why Should Testers Care?

Patterns are a way of explaining design decisions. This format, invented by the architect Christopher Alexander and his colleagues, has been used in computer fields such as object-oriented design, risk management, and software testing. In their presentation, Sam Guckenheimer and Brian Marick describe what patterns are, why testers should use them, and how to create them.

Sam Guckenheimer, Rational Software and Brian Marick, Testing Foundations
When Test Drives the Development Bus

Once development reaches "code complete," the testing team takes over and drives the project to an acceptable quality level and stability. This is accomplished by weekly build cycles or dress rehearsals. The software is graded based on found, fixed, and outstanding errors. Development strives to increase the grades in each build--improving the quality and stability of the software. Learn how to use this "dress rehearsal" process to build team morale, develop ownership by the entire development team, and ensure success on opening night.

Cindy Necaise, MICROS Systems, Inc.
White-Box Testing: What Your Developers Don't Want You to Know

In this presentation, John Peraza describes how to use white-box testing to discover those defects that would otherwise remain undetected if you only conducted black-box testing. Learn various techniques-including test coverage, run-time memory leak detection, dynamic bounds checking, and code assessment for internationalization-that you can use to conduct white-box testing. Discover how BMC Software has benefited from including white-box testing in its quality assurance efforts.

John Peraza, BMC Software, Inc.
Wireless Application Testing

Putting the Web on cellular phones, PDAs, and other wireless devices is all the rage. Still in its infancy, the idea of doing online transactions via mobile devices has created a new buzzword: "M-Commerce." However, some companies in their quest to be first-to-market have overlooked the fact that this new technology is still in need of basic testing for quality, performance under load, and usability. Discover the importance of testing wireless applications, and learn how to identify common bottlenecks and problems.

Scott Moore, CommerceQuest


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