Better Software Magazine Archive:

Spring 2015


What Are the Key Components of an Effective Test Strategy?
By Lee Copeland

In this FAQ column, Lee Copeland defines a test strategy as a high-level plan to achieve specific test objectives and outlines the components an effective strategy should address.

Hire the Right Developer
By Geoff Perlman

Wondering why—with all the jobs you've applied for—you aren't getting noticed? Take it from Xojo CEO Geoff Perlman; it isn't just your programming or testing skills that will land you a job. Far from it. Geoff knows from experience that hiring the right individual is a careful blend of skill, fit, and passion.

The State of DevOps Adoption
By Bob Aiello
Leslie Sachs

The current trend of using DevOps to describe every effective automated procedure is creating more confusion and even some dysfunctional behavior as software organizations continue to adopt this build-test-deploy approach. Bob Aiello and Leslie Sachs describe the DevOps approach you should use.

From Curmudgeon to Kanban
By Stacia Viscardi

It didn't take long for Stacia Viscardi to realize that as effective as agile can be, a plan-driven mindset may not be the best approach for every project or every team. Breaking the rules and embracing whatever it takes to motivate the team to get a project to doneness—and delighting the customer along the way—is a much better approach, even if it means breaking away from fixed iterations.

Scaling DevOps at the Enterprise Level
By Kim Megahee

DevOps for the enterprise is the set of activities that support development and testing being managed within a framework for delivering the software into a stable production environment. Kim Megahee believes that DevOps can be successfully deployed with the adoption of Akaizen.

Stop Making Lists, Start Making Products
By David Hussman

Like any great process methodology, agile (and Scrum specifically) can lose sight of the best way to facilitate a development lifecycle from concept to delivery. David Hussman frequently encounters teams that are going through the motions. If your sprint planning meetings have disintegrated into quick listmaking exercises, David will show you how to reinvigorate your team.

Adopting ALM Will Enhance the Value of Your Test Team
By Joe Farah

Modern ALM emphasizes total team involvement and a comprehensive set of tools so that the development lifecycle runs smoothly. Joe Farah shows you how test case management is a vital component to a successful ALM strategy.

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