Service Providers ?

Marco Tell's picture
Marco Tell asked on April 14, 2014 - 2:08pm | Replies (2).

In North America who are the top 3 certified providers of Application testing that serve large Enterprise customers ? 


It is difficult, I think for anyone not already biased by connections to respond to a question like that, especially with out knowing what criteria you would use to rate such companies.  Perhaps if you included a bit more on what attributes are most important in a hierarchy then someone could attempt an answer.

I'm afraid we'd need more context - what kind of software would you like to get tested? What do you mean by 'top'? By united states, do you want on-site? USA-based? Company in USA and (some) testers offshore?

Without understanding the problem we're trying to solve I'm afraid I can't be more helpful.

2 Answers

Matthew Heusser's picture

I'm afraid we'd need more context - what kind of software would you like to get tested? What do you mean by 'top'? By united states, do you want on-site? USA-based? Company in USA and (some) testers offshore?

Without understanding the problem we're trying to solve I'm afraid I can't be more helpful.

Alex Wilson's picture

As it was said before, we need more information. What kind of testing do you mean? 

Is it for web-based or mobile applications?

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